Issue #12

50 Haikus, the serious poetry journal with the funny name, is proud to bring you another outstanding collection of hand-selected poetry by some of the world’s best poets. Featuring fine haiku by Mark Ackerson, Stephanie Ascough, Ally Bebbling, Eva Bertoglio,...

Issue #11

Featuring fine selections of haiku by Kate Alsbury, Sandra Barnett, Kylie Benavides, Connor Bjotvedt, Ingrid Bruck, Erin Castaldi, Anna Cates, Eve Chilicas, Donald Clermont, Stephanie De Haven, Steven Duncan, Michael Flanagan, Susan Gentry, LFJ Gill, Shasta Hatter,...

Issue #10

50 Haikus Issue #10 features poetry by: David Anthony Sam, Sandra Barnett, Gabriel Bates, Kelsey Candice, Erin Castaldi, Anna Cates, Lorraine Cipriano, Nicholas D’Angelo, Maria DePaul, Michael Flanagan, PM Flynn, Vien Lawrence Gabato, Susan Gentry, Kristyl Gravina,...

Issue #9

Issue #9 features poems by: Sandra Barnett, Paul Beech, Robert Beveridge, Eliza Callard, Patricia Campion, Bob Carlton, Erin Castaldi, Anna Cates, Lorraine Cipriano, Nicholas Dangelo, Michael Flanagan, Amy Fletcher, Jay Friedenberg, Susan Gentry, Tanya Grae,...

Issue #8

Featuring poems by: Gavin Austin, Vincent Baverso, Michael Blackburn, Michelle Burchett, Anna Cates, Lorraine Cipriano, Nina Dillon, Ana Drobot, Katherine Du, Kimberly England, Susan Gentry, Gabriella Giugliano, Jorge Gutierrez, Deborah Guzzi, Robert Hansen, Alexis...

Issue #7

Featuring poems by: A.J. Huffman, Amy Bell, Amy Weaver, Anna Cates, Bill Melton, Carol Kohn, Christopher Gusek, Colin Campbell, Dane Miller, Deborah Guzzi, Edward Huddleston, Elizabeth Mitchell, Grace Black, Herb Kauderer, Jackie Maugh Robinson, Jason C. Segarra,...